Friday, May 16, 2008

Republicans' demise: McCain's thorn

In the wake of the back-and-forth rhetoric this week concerning President Bush's words at Israel's 60th Anniversary celebration, rebuttal from Senator Obama and Senator McCain's input...what a sad state Republicans are in now.

President Bush is a poisionous substance for Senator McCain's Presidential run, especially in the face of someone like Senator Obama- he who the liberal media has already accepted as their future POTUS.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama's Contradiction, Wright's Wrongs...

I'm not even waiting for Obama to finish his press conference as of 2:15pm today because already I can see he is completely slipping down the slope of political despair.

It seems the final blow of ex-Pastor Wright's wrongs have come to roost in Obama's campaign.

He is trying to rip into the Pastor and at the same time try to justify who Pastor Wright is and legitimize his attendance at this church and self-professed subscription to Pastor Wright's theories as his spiritual guide, or "uncle" what have you.

Unfortunately, Obama's Marxist/liberation theology beliefs have been revealed under the sheep's clothing of Christianity and now what could have been a hopeful Presidential campaign, is now a bitter waste of racial divide as well as insulting parody unfolding as the press continues to ask Obama more questions---leading the man to his political demise.

And by the way, the excuse of "press soundbites" is old and Americans are not so ignorant as to not see through that poor scapegoat (professed by both Obama and Pastor Wright).

P.S. "White America" does NOT exist. Last time I checked we are made of many races, cultures, religions and many other people who came from oppression more recently than those descended from the African slave trade. How ignorant to think that it is only Africans who have suffered slavery, occupation, rape, genocide, et cetera. Shame on you Obama and Pastor Wright.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama is a Marxist

Great post-Obama race speech article:

I was personally offended by the speech yesterday as I come from an immigrant family in Europe that had relatives as recent as the early 20th century in enslavement by a government entity. I am not black and don't need the lecture on slavery since my family taught me the value of freedom and treating others equally.

This country offers freedom to all now and I don't appreciate those who associate with the old "angry" thought stemming from the justifiable painful civil rights days. If I was to vote for Obama, it would be for him the man, the experience and what he has to offer our country--not his gender, race or speech-giving abilities.

Unfortunately, his speech yesterday only affirmed to me that he excuses being in an environment that his 'former' pastor breeded through his oratory. Personally, I have walked out of churches when a priest or pastor has crossed the divide from theology to hateful politics. Obama's judgement to submit himself, his wife and children to that barrage is unfortunate and drives me to think of him as a great orator and motivational speaker but in no way ready to be a servant to United States of America as President.

Marxism is not the brand of politics we need in our country today, Obama's mentor oozed of it and therefore is part of that which Obama "cannot disown".
