Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State Of The Union Address Hangover

Reflections Since 2000

Another SOTU has come and gone, the consensus is that many republicans went into this one weary and many democrats had already made up their minds prior to the President's speech.

I watched the address twice thanks to Fox News Channel who showed it again in the same night (helpful for souls like me without the beloved TiVo).

President Bush was gracious and he was steadfast. Now those who disagree with him admit that he did right by the Madame Speaker Pelosi, but they call him a fool for sticking to the same ideas--especially in regards to Iraq.

What angers me about this constant barrage by naysayers is that they expect to be bowed down to each and every time there is a disagreement on policy. I just don't know what anti-Iraq people want anymore. Do they really think that pulling out of Iraq or Afghanistan is really going to help our global image. Heck, many nations and tribal leaders as we debate could care less about whether we are in Iraq or not--their biggest obsessions are how can they exploit us or destroy us economically.

The US dollar continues to struggle in the global market exchanges. No surprise to me when we are so busy eating our Executive branch away like depraved cannibalistic tribes.

Do I think the Bush administration has made all the right choices? OF COURSE NOT. But neither has any other administration since the birth of our nation. The expectation that this administration should just halt itself completely and hand over the reins to another political party is nonsense.

The reality is, as I reflect on the speech last night, that Bush never had a fighting chance as our President in this nation. He was hated before he was sworn in. Mr. Gore harmed us more than even the disgraced Nixon decades ago, because he couldn't just concede and abide by our Constitution. Instead, our Supreme Court had to get involved and once again we looked like blubbering fools in the global stage. What a great time to strike, when we are most weak and decisive.

That's why I pray everyday that we continue to make head way into this War On Terror, because whether or not folks want to believe it--we are under attack and most weak when we trash our own government beyond just disagreements and healthy debates.

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